From The Principal

As we come to the end of week 5, after a delayed start, cancelled sporting and House events, it was pleasing that on Wednesday we were able to acknowledge and celebrate students’ 2022 NCEA academic successes in NCEA Levels 1 and 2, and NZQA scholarship examination results.  Parents and whanau attended the Scholars Assembly, and it was fantastic to see and be able to celebrate the success with some of our 2022 Year 13 leavers.

In my address I discussed how each year we all set ourselves goals in one way or another.  Some are written down and specific, while others are almost like a dream where we hope good things will happen.  Our goals may come from a new year’s resolution, they may be set during the Lenten season, some may be given to us as a challenge set by family and friends, and some may be formed when we are back at school and looking at the school year ahead with teachers, deans or with friends. 

Regardless of where our goals come from, they are important to set.  We all need to set ourselves goals.  They should challenge us but also be achievable.  A plan is needed to achieve success which will include checkpoints to track our progress and a reliable support network to keep us on track, inspire and encourage when the going gets tough.

I also discussed how there were many students at the assembly who were not receiving an award as a top scholar but who did achieve their academic goal in 2022.  To those students who were not recognised, but who showed up every day and did their best and strived to be better than before and achieved their own goals, their own personal best, I congratulate them.  By doing their best each day they are living our school Mercy value of māia, courage, as they embrace new experiences.  Learning is a daily new experience and often when we are learning new things, it can get challenging; we need courage to keep going and to find confidence in ourselves.

It was also highlighted that although some may not have achieved their goals and may have been disappointed, that (‘they’ say that the measure of true courage is not whether you reach your goal – it’s whether you decide to get back on your feet no matter how many times you’ve failed).  The Scholars Assembly celebrated those recognised for their academic achievement, but equally it also gave each of us the opportunity to reflect, reset goals and make new plans to achieve this academic year.  It is also timely to remind our young woman that whatever their goal is, they are part of the Carmel community and there is a wide range of support available to keep them on track, inspired and to offer encouragement when the going gets tough.