Carmel College Board 

Becoming a Board Member

The Carmel College Board is the governing body of the school.

The Carmel College Board is responsible for the overall direction and supervision of all matters in the college. A major focus of the Board is the strategic direction of the college, with an emphasis on sustaining and improving the excellent standards of teaching and learning.

The Carmel College Board also ensures that:

  • goals, plans and budgets are approved and reviewed
  • student achievement and outcomes are constantly monitored and reported
  • all students are able to achieve their personal best
  • there is compliance with laws that affect the school
  • significant risks are identified, eliminated or reduced
  • accounting and auditing practices that meet the current regulatory standards
  • annual reports and financial statements are prepared
  • general maintenance of the school is carried out
  • management is carried out in a professional and competent manner
Click the links below to view our Board documents:

Strategic Framework

Carmel College Strategic and Annual Plan

Annual Report 2022

All Carmel College policies and procedures can be accessed through the School Docs site.  To access these pages please go to  and use the following login details:

Username: carmel
Password: mercy

All Board of Trustees meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at the college at 5.30pm.
2024 Board Minutes
FEBRUARY      MARCH       APRIL       MAY    
2023 Board Minutes
FEBRUARY    MARCH    APRIL    MAY    JUNE    AUGUST        SEPTEMBER      OCTOBER        NOVEMBER      DECEMBER                    
2022 Board Minutes

FEBRUARY      MARCH         APRIL        JUNE      AUGUST      SEPTEMBER       OCTOBER      NOVEMBER       DECEMBER        

2021 Board Minutes


2020 Board Minutes 


2019 Board Minutes 


We are fortunate at Carmel that professional and effective relationships exist between the Principal, the Proprietor Board and the Board of Trustees which ensure the smooth running of a very successful college.

The Constitution of all boards is determined by the Ministry of Education and the Carmel College Board and is made up of the following:

  • five parent-elected members
  • the principal/tumuaki
  • one staff-elected member
  • one student-elected member
  • up to four members who are appointed by the Carmel College Auckland Limited (CCAL), our Proprietors.

Click HERE to view representative profiles

Parent Representatives: 

Andrew Blewden

Michael Chinnery

Kerry Jones

Joanna Redfern-Hardisty

Julie Scott (Chair)

Staff Representative:

Catherine Mackisack

Student Representative:

Chelsea Brown – 2024

Proprietor Representatives:

Stuart Houliston
Tiana Miocevich
Pravina Singh
Bernadette Stockman


Sarah Kemble

Jenny McLaughlin is Secretary to this Board.
Contact 4861132 ext:704

BOT Excellence Award 

When young women attend Carmel College, our vision is that they receive an education with opportunities that will see them empowered to challenge and shape the future.  Our hope is that they will live by our Mercy values whereby they are compassionate and respectful, where they will seek justice for others and themselves, and where they will have the courage to pursue their ambitions.

In 2022 the Carmel College Board of Trustees introduced an annual award called the BOT Excellence Award with the idea that the recipients of this award will have brought honour to themselves and also to Carmel College through their achievements. 

The inaugural award was presented at the senior prizegiving to past student, Grace Stratton in recognition of her outstanding achievements in the area of disability advocacy in business. 

The Board is calling for nominations for the 2024 BOT Excellence Award and, therefore, invites any member of our community to nominate a past student or staff (current or past) member who they believe is deserving of this prestigious award.

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Attendance at Carmel College for at least one full academic year.
  • The nominee must have attained a notable degree of prominence through professional endeavour, research, volunteerism, and involvement within the local or global community.
  • Special consideration will be given to those who demonstrate significant initiative by starting innovative service projects, research, businesses or other original enterprises.
  • Received recognition by professional organisations for significant professional contributions, discoveries, or creative work through honours, awards, and/or media attention.
  • Serves as an outstanding role model for alumni, current and future Carmel College students.
  • Excluded from consideration: prior recipients, current trustees, or current selection committee members.

If you would like to nominate someone please fill in the nomination form HERE