Sports News

Sports Council Lockdown Activities – Make sure you are following them on Instagram @carmelsport

For a whole week from Tuesday 24 August until Tuesday 31 August, we are going to be having a little competition between year groups. The challenge is to see which year group can walk or run the furthest distance during this time. You can track your walk or run on a variety of apps.

Some suggestions are: Nike running club, Strava, Map My Walk
Or if you have a watch you can track it on then that works too.

You will need to send us a screenshot/photo of your walk or run either on Instagram (@carmelsport) or by email (send to please). Make sure to include what year level you are so that we can add it to the right group. The challenge will close at 8.00pm on Tuesday 31 August and we will not accept any more entries after that so make sure to get them in before this time. We will be updating this document with each year levels’ progress throughout the week so make sure you keep checking in to see how you’re doing.

Get out there and enjoy your neighbourhood while staying active. Maybe call a friend while you’re both walking to catch up or listen to a podcast or some music. Make sure you remember to social distance and keep safe!

Then on Saturday we’re currently planning a fun activity or workout – further information will be sent out about this later in the week.

Hope you’re all staying safe and healthy out there and we can all be back together at school soon!