Tuakana/Teina Programme

On 1 February, Carmel College welcomed all 2022 new students to our school and on the same day our yearly Tuakana Programme began.

The aim of this programme is to assist our new students on their first few days and weeks at Carmel and allow them to get to know one of their Atawhai buddies that will help them throughout their Carmel journey. All Tuakana leaders are Year 11 and trained in 2021.  They organised games such as Multi-sport, Capture the Flag, board games, card games and name games – and this was only for the first day! They showed the students around the school, as well as introducing them to their Atawhai and Core Learning Group teachers. Overall the Tuakana leaders and new students had a blast on the first day and couldn’t wait to continue.

Now the Tuakana groups are currently meeting every Monday at Atawhai time with all the other new Year 7’s in their Houses. We have been making mind maps of our journey in life up until now at Carmel. This includes where they were born, what primary school they went to, drawing their family, any achievements and so on. We have had lots of fun and can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has planned for our Tuakana groups.

Victoria Da Silva, Year 11