Year 10&11 Retreats

This week we have had our Year 10 and Year 11 Retreat days.  The National Evangelisation Team (NET) has been facilitating these retreats for us at St Joseph’s Parish.

The theme for Year 10 was ‘Rewired – Authentic Relationships’

We live in a world where we can get caught up in social media and we do not take the time to slow down and reflect on the relationships in our lives.  How many of you know your friends’ deep hopes, fears and dreams?  With Year 10, NET delved into the idea of being intentional to build authentic relationships with those in our lives.  We need to see our friends for who they truly are, not who they are on social media.  It is important to know that we cannot have authentic relationships if we do not know how to be our authentic selves.  We need to turn to Jesus for guidance in every decision when building our authentic relationships because he set the perfect example of how to love and treat those around us.

The theme for Year 11 was ‘Look Again – Encountering Jesus’ 

There is more to Jesus than we might think, and it is easy to rely on our first impressions of Him, but today let us put those aside and be open to who He truly is.  He sees us, knows us and loves us, so let us invite Him to show us who He really is in a new way.